History of Racism in North America

I want to learn more about the history of racism in nursing

Choy, C. (2003). Empire of care: Nursing and migration in Filipino American history. Duke University Press.

Flynn, K. (2009). Beyond the glass wall: Black Canadian nurses. Nursing History Review, 17, 129-152. DOI: 10.1891/1062–8061.17.129

Flynn, K. (2011). Moving beyond borders: A history of Black Canadian and Caribbean women in the diaspora. University of Toronto Press. 

McCallum, M.J. (2014). Indigenous women, work, and history: 1940-1980. University of MB Press.
*Chapter on Indigenous nurses and their efforts to decolonize healthcare

I want to learn more about the history of racism and reproductive justice

Cooper-Owens, D. (2017). Medical bondage: Race, gender and the origins of American Gynecology. University of Georgia Press.

Dyck, E. (2013). Facing eugenics: Reproduction, sterilization, and the politics of choice. University of Toronto Press.

Gurr, B. (2014). Reproductive justice: The politics of health care for Native American women. Rutgers University Press.

Stettner, S., Burnett, K. & Hay, T. (Eds). (2017). Abortion: History, politics, and reproductive justice after Morgentaler. UBC Press.

I want to learn more about the history of racism and health care

Li, W. (2020, July 29), COVID racism stirs memories of Canada’s leper colony. Toronto Star. https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2020/07/29/covid-racism-stirs-memories-of-canadas-island-leper-colony-where-chinese-were-banished.html

Mosby, I. (2013). Administering colonial science: nutrition research and human biomedical experimentation in Aboriginal communities and residential schools, 1942-1952. Histoire sociale, 46(91): 145-172.

Riggs, L. (2002). Reproducing empire: Race, sex, science and US imperialism in Puerto Rico. University of California Press.

Washington, H. (2006). Medical apartheid: The dark history of medical experimentation on Black Americans from colonial times to the present. Doubleday Books.

I want to learn more about the history of colonization in Canada

VIDEO: CBC on systemic racism in Canada. 10 minutes

VIDEO: Honour to Senator Murray Sinclair – NFB. 29 minutes

VIDEO: Jordan River Anderson, The Messenger – NFB. 65 minutes

Burnett, K. (2010). Taking medicine: Women’s healing work and colonial contact in southern Alberta, 1880-1920. UBC Press.

Furniss, E. (1999). The burden of history: Colonialism and the frontier myth of a rural Canadian community. UBC Press.

Joseph, B. (2018). 21 things you may not know about the Indian Act: Helping Canadians make reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples. Indigenous Relations Press

Kelm, M. E. (2011). Colonizing bodies: Aboriginal health and healing in British Columbia, 1900-50. UBC Press.

McCallum, M.J., & Perry, A. (2018). Structures of indifference: An Indigenous life and death in a Canadian City. University of Manitoba Press.

Lux, M. (2016). Separate beds: A history of Indian Hospitals in Canada, 1920s-1980s. University of Toronto Press.

Lux, M. (2001). Medicine that walks. Disease, medicine, and Canadian Plains Native People, 1880-1940. University of Toronto Press.

I want to learn more about the history of racism and policing

Alexander, M. (2021). The new Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness. The New Press.

Maynard, R. (2017). Policing Black lives: State violence in Canada from slavery to the present. Fernwood Publishing.

Film Series